Pictures of this cup and others.
Tentative history of this cup.
Older comments from users of menstrual


Tassette rubber menstrual cup (catamenial
receptor) prospectus,
instructions, promotional leaflets for women, doctors & medical
community (1950s-1960s, U.S.A.) (tentative
history of this cup,
pictures & sketchy history
of American menstrual cups)
"a fresh point of view"
(different pamphlet from the
identically named one & here)
I thank the former Tambrands, maker of Tampax tampons, for contributing
this material!
Below: Front page. The booklet measures
6 x 3" (15 x 7.5 cm).
This is the third piece of literature called
"a fresh point of view" - a title no longer
Below: Of course, Tampax said something
similar when it started advertising its tampon
with an insertion device. (More early Tampax
undated ad: "3 out of 4 nurses use Tassette"
- newspaper article, 20 March 1961: "New Menstrual
Aid Offered on National basis" -
undated leaflet: "'Tassette' menstrual cup for
internal sanitary protection" - undated leaflet: "a
fresh point of view" (#1) -
Tassette stock prospectus, 1961 - "Tassette:
the safe and sanitary menstrual cup" - "a
fresh point of view" (#2) -
"A Note to the Budget Minded" - "Tassette Menstrual
Cup: The ultimate in Sanitary Protection"
- the third "a fresh point of view"
Pictures of this cup and others. Tentative history of this cup. Older comments
from users of menstrual cups.
© 2008 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
of the work on this Web site
in any manner or medium without written permission of the author. Please
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